Putting holes in metal roof panels is a long and time-consuming process. You have to measure the places where the holes go, mark the spot, draw a line across the panel to keep the lines straight, and then either drill or punch the panels with a steel hole punch. After putting the sheets on, you get to repeat the process again and again. We know because we’ve done it, and currently, there are no sheet metal roofing tools that make this process easier. We knew there had to be a better way.
The easier way came to one of our founders in a dream. He awoke from that dream a 3:10 am (and that’s why we call it the Ridge-R3:10) and put the idea down on paper so he wouldn’t forget. Later that morning, he went to his shop, pulled out a board, some screws, and springs. Cut the board to the idea specs he had, drilled the holes for the punches (screws) and springs. After a couple of adjustments, he had the first prototype for the Ridge-R3:10.
He went to the job site, explained it to his brother, and put it on the steel. After marking a single mark for each line of fasteners, he lined it up, hit the pins on the Ridge-R3:10, and put the holes in the panels just as he had dreamt.
Many prototypes later, we had a well-working sheet metal roofing tool that contractors accepted. A new tool can be a challenge for contractors, but the Ridge-R3:10 has evolved into a tool many roofing contractors find to be a crucial part of their toolbox.
Putting holes in 6 metal roof panels simultaneously (on the trailer or at ground level) and having those holes all line-up, evenly spaced and in the same spot on every sheet increases production, safety, and accuracy.